For this live event collaboration with Launch, Inc., we traveled 200 miles south to America’s Finest City of San Diego, California for Gilead’s annual National Meeting at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel. Over 2000 people from Gilead’s marketing division gathered together to celebrate their successes and strategize for the future. Our part was to brand all A/V content for the entire event and engage attendees the moment they entered the site.
As soon as they walked in to register, vertical HD screen animations guided visitors to multiple areas of the venue, highlighting key areas of interest. The path opened up to a giant auditorium where looping background animations were projected onto 3 massive 7K screens. As the lights dimmed and the music started, the crowd settled into their seats. Projecting onto the 7K screen, our opening animation played in rhythm to the song, Yellow by Coldplay and officially kicked off the conference. As the program got underway messaging, speaker titles, and other graphic elements served to solidly brand the event. After congratulatory introductions, attendees filed out into 7 separate theaters within the Manchester Grand Hyatt, where they were treated to strategy seminars specific to their areas of knowledge and expertise. Each theater showed several iterations of loops and opening animations ranging in formats from standard HD all the way to 3K.
When all was said and done our team created vertical HD screen signage, walk-up backgrounds, walk-in loops, speaker titles, and intro animations, and our largest program projected on an immense 7K screen. Now that was a good week!