Studio Daily interviews The Ether on building ‘Tower Heist’ graphics


Studio Daily interviews The Ether on building ‘Tower Heist’ graphics

Meleah Maynard of Studio Daily sat down and talked to Greg Kupiec and John Haley about their work on building the elaborate skyscraper and cityscape graphics for the “Tower Heist” marketing campaign. The Ether created snazzy imagery combining a cityscape, a skyscraper, and shimmering typography for the trailer… — Meleah Maynard, Studio Daily Full Article…

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Studio Daily Interviews Creative Director Greg Kupiec


Studio Daily Interviews Creative Director Greg Kupiec

Bruant Frazer of Studio Daily recently interviewed The Ether’s Owner/Creative Director about his work on the marketing, branding fand opening title sequence. The idea is to bring a sterling graphic-design sensibility to moving images. To that end, the company recently did some striking design work… — Bryant Frazer, Studio Daily The piece features insights on design…

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