In this MTV reality show, the title name “Catfish” is a person who creates fake profiles online and pretends to be someone they are not by using someone else’s pictures and info. Working with the awesome team at RelativityREAL, our intent with the title sequence was to use actual “Skype” POV footage of the show’s cast to reveal different faces through a series of pixelated “rips”. The faces became more obscured as each digital layer unmasked to expose the next until the last person looked nothing like the first. The open resolved to reveal the show’s logo: CATFISH: THE TV SHOW with a thematic nod to broadcast bars within the graphic.
Our objective was to convey that although social media enabled us to connect with people more intimately than ever before, the ease with which to deceive was just as effortless. Success of the title sequence carried over to the reunion show and was even featured on CNN newscasts to give context to a real “catfish” story between a college football player and his secret admirer.